Vintage 50s Motorola Stereo Record Player Stereophonic SH12N Turntable Tube Amp
Late 50s early 60s Motorola SH12N Stereo Tube Amp Suitcase Turntable. This is a portable, in name, record player, a Motorola SH12N. Stereophonic HiFi Tube Amp Record Player. Here’s a little piece of history from Motorola! The speakers are fully removable from the side of the suitcase. They hinge out, but the hinges are half-clasp, so once they are opened all the way, the speakers will release from the body of the turntable, allowing you to set them upright at whatever angle is preferred. This has been sitting in my closet for decades just collecting dust.
Tags: motorola, player, record, sh12n, stereo, stereophonic, tube, turntable, vintage