Archive for December 28th, 2023

Tube amplifier vintage amp tube mono block western electric hifi 50′s metal case

Thursday, December 28th, 2023
Tube amplifier vintage amp tube mono block western electric hifi 50's metal case

Tube amplifier vintage amp tube mono block western electric hifi 50's metal case

Tube amplifier vintage amp tube mono block western electric hifi 50's metal case

Tube amplifier vintage amp tube mono block western electric hifi 50's metal case

Tube amplifier vintage amp tube mono block western electric hifi 50's metal case

Tube amplifier vintage amp tube mono block western electric hifi 50's metal case

Tube amplifier vintage amp tube mono block western electric hifi 50's metal case

Tube amplifier vintage amp tube mono block western electric hifi 50's metal case

Tube amplifier vintage amp tube mono block western electric hifi 50's metal case

Tube amplifier vintage amp tube mono block western electric hifi 50's metal case

Tube amplifier vintage amp tube mono block western electric hifi 50's metal case

Tube amplifier vintage amp tube mono block western electric hifi 50's metal case

ONE AMPLIFIER = 1 PIECE = 1PC = 1 AMPLIFIER MONO. 218 is a class AB1 tube amplifier with 12 watt output power obtained from 2 6V6 in phase counter. The amplifier is MONO. Made in Italy by Geloso Milano amplifier for Cinema Amplification System Hall.

Standel Company Model SA15R Super Artist Amplifier Vintage Amp Rare

Thursday, December 28th, 2023
Standel Company Model SA15R Super Artist Amplifier Vintage Amp Rare

Standel Company Model SA15R Super Artist Amplifier Vintage Amp Rare

Standel Company Model SA15R Super Artist Amplifier Vintage Amp Rare

Standel Company Model SA15R Super Artist Amplifier Vintage Amp Rare

Standel Company Model SA15R Super Artist Amplifier Vintage Amp Rare

Standel Company Model SA15R Super Artist Amplifier Vintage Amp Rare

Standel Company Model SA15R Super Artist Amplifier Vintage Amp Rare

Standel Company Model SA15R Super Artist Amplifier Vintage Amp Rare

Standel Company Model SA15R Super Artist Amplifier Vintage Amp Rare

Standel Company Model SA15R Super Artist Amplifier Vintage Amp Rare

Standel Company Model SA15R Super Artist Amplifier Vintage Amp Rare

Standel Company Model SA15R Super Artist Amplifier Vintage Amp Rare

Standel Company Model SA15R Super Artist Amplifier Vintage Amp Rare

Standel Company Model SA15R Super Artist Amplifier Vintage Amp Rare

Standel Company Model SA15R Super Artist Amplifier Vintage Amp Rare

Standel Company Model SA15R Super Artist Amplifier Vintage Amp Rare

Standel Company Model SA15R Super Artist Amplifier Vintage Amp Rare

Standel Company Model SA15R Super Artist Amplifier Vintage Amp Rare

Standel Company Model SA15R Super Artist Amplifier Vintage Amp Rare

Standel Company Model SA15R Super Artist Amplifier Vintage Amp Rare

Standel Company Model SA15R Super Artist Amplifier Vintage Amp Rare

Standel Company Model SA15R Super Artist Amplifier Vintage Amp Rare

Standel Company Model SA15R Super Artist Amplifier Vintage Amp Rare

Standel Company Model SA15R Super Artist Amplifier Vintage Amp Rare

Specifically designed for professional artists, this amplifier has exceptional sound quality that will bring new life to your music.