Vintage Philips klangfilm pair mono tube / valve amplifiers EL6400 EL81 pp
Friday, December 29th, 2023Vintage Philips klangfilm pair mono tube / valve amplifiers EL6400 EL81 pp
Monday, November 27th, 20232 Vintage Heintz Kaufman 6AG5/EF96 Power Amp. Beam Tetrode Valve- BangyBang Tube
Monday, November 13th, 20232 Vintage National 6AS7G/6N13C Twin Triode Hi-Fi Amp. Tube Valve- BangyBang Tube
Thursday, October 5th, 2023Vf 6.3 Volts / If 2.5 Ampere / Indirect. Series regulator tube in d-c power supplies. Booster tube in the scanning circuit of television receivers. Push-pull class A output tube in Hi-Fi audio amplifiers. New in Box (NOS). We have hundreds of thousands of tubes for manufacturing purposes, all vintage american made. 2 If you are looking to re-tube and amplifier, guitar amplifier, preamplifier, compressor, equalizer, microphones or any tube equipment, send us the model number and we will take care of the rest, and generate a custom listing for you. 4 We carry most USA made brands such as RCA, GE (General Electric), Sylvania, Raytheon, TungSol and PentaLabs , just to name a few. 5 We also carry european brands such as Amperex, Mullard, Telefunken and Marconi , just to name a few but in less quantities.
2 Vintage Sylvania 6AK5 Pair Little Dot Amp. 6J1/5654 Audio Vacuum Tube Valve
Friday, September 29th, 2023Low noise RF amplification at VHF. Compatible with the following equipment: Little Dot: I+, MkII, MkIII, MkIV, MkIVse. New in Box (NOS). We have hundreds of thousands of tubes for manufacturing purposes, all vintage american made. 2 If you are looking to re-tube and amplifier, guitar amplifier, preamplifier, compressor, equalizer, microphones or any tube equipment, send us the model number and we will take care of the rest, and generate a custom listing for you. 4 We carry most USA made brands such as RCA, GE (General Electric), Sylvania, Raytheon, TungSol and PentaLabs , just to name a few. 5 We also carry european brands such as Amperex, Mullard, Telefunken and Marconi , just to name a few but in less quantities.
Vintage extremely rare TANNOY valve tube amplifier made in ENGLAND
Thursday, September 28th, 20232 Vintage Sylvania 6AK5 Pair Little Dot Amp. 6J1/5654 Audio Vacuum Tube Valve
Wednesday, September 27th, 2023Low noise RF amplification at VHF. Compatible with the following equipment: Little Dot: I+, MkII, MkIII, MkIV, MkIVse. New in Box (NOS). We have hundreds of thousands of tubes for manufacturing purposes, all vintage american made. 2 If you are looking to re-tube and amplifier, guitar amplifier, preamplifier, compressor, equalizer, microphones or any tube equipment, send us the model number and we will take care of the rest, and generate a custom listing for you. 4 We carry most USA made brands such as RCA, GE (General Electric), Sylvania, Raytheon, TungSol and PentaLabs , just to name a few. 5 We also carry european brands such as Amperex, Mullard, Telefunken and Marconi , just to name a few but in less quantities.
4 Vintage Mullard 6AQ5/6005/6V6 Power Pentode Amplifier Audio Vacuum Tube Valve
Saturday, September 23rd, 2023Vf 6.3 Volts / If 0.45 Ampere. Miniature type used primarily as output amplifier in automobile receivers and in ac- operated receivers. Requires miniature 7-contact socket. Within its maximum ratings, the performance of this type is equivalent to that of larger types 6V6 and 6V6GTA. Fender Musicmaster Bass amp Vintage Bell & Howell 6AQ5 Monoblock D-Lab/Zenith Model M-7, Dynaco Push-Pull EL84/6BQ5 or 6V6/6AQ5 AMPEX Model 970 tape recorder. Nutone 2401B stereo tube amplifier Manley Absolute Headphone Amplifier Hallicrafters HA-5 VFO Micro Champ Amplifier ELEKIT TU-8150 6AQ5/6V6 Dynaco Push-Pull EL84 / 6BQ5 or 6V6 / 6AQ5 Tube AmpSony 500A single ended 6AQ5 stereo tube amp. D-Lab Boutique repurposed GenRad 6AQ5 tube guitar amp. Tested on UM-18 computerized military tester. We have hundreds of thousands of tubes for manufacturing purposes, all vintage american made. 2 If you are looking to re-tube and amplifier, guitar amplifier, preamplifier, compressor, equalizer, microphones or any tube equipment, send us the model number and we will take care of the rest, and generate a custom listing for you. 4 We carry most USA made brands such as RCA, GE (General Electric), Sylvania, Raytheon, TungSol and PentaLabs , just to name a few. 5 We also carry european brands such as Amperex, Mullard, Telefunken and Marconi , just to name a few but in less quantities.
2 Vintage Sylvania 6BK7B/7028 Cascode Amp. VHF TV Audio Vacuum Tube Valve- Bang
Wednesday, September 20th, 2023Vf 6.3 Volts / If 0.45 Ampere / Indirect / Parallel / series AC/DC. Used as a cascode amplifier in radio receivers and TV tuners (black and white/color) and in push-pull cathode-drive RF amplifiers. New in Box (NOS). We have hundreds of thousands of tubes for manufacturing purposes, all vintage american made. 2 If you are looking to re-tube and amplifier, guitar amplifier, preamplifier, compressor, equalizer, microphones or any tube equipment, send us the model number and we will take care of the rest, and generate a custom listing for you. 4 We carry most USA made brands such as RCA, GE (General Electric), Sylvania, Raytheon, TungSol and PentaLabs , just to name a few. 5 We also carry european brands such as Amperex, Mullard, Telefunken and Marconi , just to name a few but in less quantities.